Tuesday, January 13

The Worst Day Ever

today is like, is like among the worst day in my live. after we had our geography class, everyone, i think but i confirm, everyone is talking about our new geography teacher. feeling like calling her Cruella. thank goodness she doesn't have the black and white hair. feeling like screaming "WE WANT MS. TAN!!!! WE WANT MS. TAN!!!!" i can give 5 or more good reasons for that. OK, let's move on. then, we had this registration thingy for our curriculum. BORING!! things gone upside down and and I'm sad. i got to stay with Pandu Puteri. YEAH!! for sports, i got to choose bola baling although i know that i know nothing about it. and the thing that made me so so so sad. KPA is FULL!! FULL i tell you. come on guys. I'm one of the members of the club last year. duh! it's fully booked so i go to the next counter. Kelab Bahasa Melayu i go. and yeah, i sign up my name. i chose it because i love sastera and i want to learn more about it. now now. what eh. oh yeah. I've got to admit it that today is THE WORST DAY OF 2009 for now. i want to run around my house block and sing The Best Day Ever but lets change Best to Worst. jom Alya. i know that you want to join too. better finish my homework now. my sister can't keep her mouth shut and away from my ear!! nite nite guys.

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