today, things are getting better. everything begin with our first subject in school. teachers are having their teacher's meeting. i don't know what kind of meeting. but, there's still work that need to be done. it's quite easy but not so easy. then, sejarah, no teachers in the class and no work. thank goodness that everything is UNDER CONTROL. without boys in the class, no worry man. during recess, i went to the library with izyan because she want to finish her geography work. so i join her. while she's doing her work, i read Nancy drew. i love stories about detective. one day, i hope i could be one. that is not the thing that i want to tell you. i want to tell you that while reading the book, I'm freezing cold. it's so cold i tell you. i wish i was wrapped by a comfortable blankey. it's hard to read the book when you are freezing. I'm not so used to air-con except for cars'. and there is like about 8 or something in the one room. and the bell has rang. into the class i go. let's skip skip skip and yeah, it English time. there's a new male teacher and yeah, there he is. teaching a class which is 100% girls. doesn't he feel erm,,, awkward? well, if i were him, i will. he is young and sometimes, i like young teachers because they just left their school for not a long time. and sometimes i don't like young teachers because they just left their school for not a long time. hehe. get it? gotta fast. i have to finish my homework. there's no one in the house so, i have some freedom. after finishing my homework, i want to finish my book. Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire. can't wait to finish it because i want to read my newly bought Twilight book. finally! i got to buy it and the best and sad part is, i have to use my own money. lalalala. I'm so happy with my new book. the book that I've been dream of since like erm, i didn't remember when. OK folks. good night.
Wednesday, January 14
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twilight? nk pinjam boleeh? Nk try bace. Sbb org kata cerita tu best? Heh.
ohh cikgu tu tak patut rasa awkward. Sbb, sume perempuan en? Cikgu patut HAPPY. Hahaha. Bertuah kot, ajar sume perempuan en. :P
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