Thursday, January 1

2008 Is Now A History

ciao 2008 and wassup 2009
why didn't i post this entry yesterday? well, now, it's more complicated. my father is home and so, is my mother and the person who will never let go the pc, my sister. no way i can touch the computer. i can't believe that the time has flew this fast. 2009 nine already. it's feel that yesterday is still 2008. well actually, it is. hehe. now, i want to do some flashback. ermmmmm,,,, ok, i done. sorry. after entering 2009, i became much more crazier and wiser. yeah, right. ok. let's begin with 1st Jan of 2008.
  1. 1st Jan - 2008 has entered my life.
  2. 3rd Jan - My first day of high school
  3. 25th Jan - My first 'Merentad Desa' (is that really needed)
  4. 23rd Feb - My school's Sports Day
  5. 1st Mar - Majlis penyampaian plak bagi pelajar cemerlang UPSR
  6. 8th Mar - Pilihan Raya
  7. 20th Mar - Went to visit the orphanage
  8. 22nd Mar - Kem Remaja Islam
  9. 29th Mar - Temasya Sukan Tahunan SKWJ
  10. 12th April - Gua Gelap Trip
  11. 30th April - Kembalinya Yayi(it's mean datuk in Jawa) Ali ke Rahmatullah
  12. 3rd May - Kak Nana's Wedding and Reception in Singapore
  13. 23rd May - SMKS5 Teacher's Day
  14. 27th May - Kakak Dada went to Nottingham already
  15. 31st May - Tahlil Arwah buat Yayi
  16. 21st June - Kakak Nana's Reception in KL (pulak)
  17. 27th June - Kembalinya Datuk Osman ke Rahmatullah
  18. 28th June - Jenazah dikebumikan
  19. 12th July - Pertandingan Kawad Kaki terbuka bagi Pandu Puteri / Hari Akedemik
  20. 18th-20th July - Kursus Kepimpinan Pengawas
  21. 1st-3rd Aug - Kem Kemahiran Unit Beruniform
  22. 10th Aug - Abang Irwan flew to Dubai
  23. 29th Aug - Sambutan Kemuncak Hari Merdeka
  24. 1st-30th Sept - Puasa
  25. 21st Sept - my 13th Birthday
  26. 1st & 2nd Oct - Salam Lebaran, Minal Aidil Wal Faizin
  27. 25th Oct - Hari Kantin SKWJ
  28. 1st Nov - Ayah & Ibu bertolak untuk menunaikan Haji
  29. 8th Nov - Bird Park Trip
  30. 14th Nov - Last Day of school
  31. 6th Dis - Bukit Antarabangsa Landslide tragedy
  32. 8th Dis - Hari Raya Aidiladha
  33. 17th Dis - Menanti kepulangan ayah dan ibu
  34. 31st Dis - it's the end of 2008.

can't wait to play with 2009. alamak. ada orang datang ah. chow.

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