Sunday, February 1


today, OK, we done another housekeeping. totally boring and err,,, dusty. i know that i haven't finished my art work. and this morning, i done it. yes! finished finally. the masterpiece is so erm, not-so-interesting. i don't want to say ugly directly. kinda rude actually. hey! it's my drawing. i can say anything. yup! the painting is ugly and it's look like it been drawn by a five years old kid. haha. i think that I'm insane enough to show my ugly painting to the whole world. what do you think? isn't it ugly? yes? thank you. my art homework is done. my KH, English, done done. apa lagi ek? i have a short term memory. quite sad actually. i hope that's it. i don't want anything more. ahhh. high school is quite frustrating. grrr. maybe that's all. bye.

does it look like a school corridor?

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