Monday, February 2

Queen Mum, Kate Long

i found a book on my book shelves. i know that most of the books on it belongs to my sisters. as i searching and searching and i found a book. the books look interesting. and what make me attracted to it is because it is the same author of The Bad Mother's Handbook. haha. the title is Queen Mum by Kate Long. i know that I'm not a mum or something close to it but, the book is about friendship and love, recklessness and caution, and about how the camera, while it sometimes lies, can also reveal uncomfortable truths. i copy that from the back of the book. ;p maybe that book can fill my loneliness for a moment. i still want to buy the New Moon book as son as possible. err. need to go now. the school is officially ended tomorrow and i have a "latihan rumah sukan". I'm quite excited. but i still need to do some job. night night guys.

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