Wednesday, January 28

i went out with Jai today and i feel kinda awkward.

long time no write. i miss to push the button with the letters on top of it. ah. so relaxing. for the past few days, i went to Melaka. i play an swim a lot under the sun and i can see that my skin is getting darken. oh no!! kakak la,,, where is the Nivea whitening cream?? let skip skip skip. and yeah. it's today already? my day at first, didn't start so well. i receive a mystery call. it's so frustrating. then, i receive another call. oh. it's Jai. she asking me whether I'm free or not. so, i said i am and she said that she want to take me to Cineleisure. what else can you think if we were in Cineleisure. Movie of course!! I know that it's just next to The Curve but both of the place is so Boring i tell you. we watched Inkheart together. the movie is kinda cool but not as cool and ahh, delightful as twilight. man, i want to watch that movie again. after we finished watching the movie, we went and take some photo at the photo booth nearby. funny moment i tell you. but, my heart is kinda hurt. i don't want to tell why because i don't want to get my heart hurt more. because of we can't stand with our boringness, we went to the curve and into Borders we go. i don't know why but i like to be surrounded by books. lots and lots of books. and again, i spotted the in the spotlight, they added a new book; New Moon. man, I'm so so so excited but i don't have a chance to buy it because "no money" problem. I'd bought Twilight a few weeks ago. i haven't finished that book yet. half way there. alya was right. that book is marvelous. after i read the next chapter and the next and on on, it's hard for me to let go of that book. oh. stephenie meyer has such a good imagination. let's go back to our main topic. there were lots and lots of magazine too. i spotted this one magazine called BOP. it's because of it has 6 big posters. hehe. there's rob pattinson's, jonas brother's, and some other artists. i forgot already. i want it but look at the price. no discount ka? but, jai bought this Jonas Brothers magazine. from front to back, it's all about JB. crazy fan huh? now, I'm visiting the BOP's site. kinda cool actually. with all the news and all that. maybe that's all for today. i want to continue reading the site. and then, let's continue the reading session. YEAH!!

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