Friday, January 23


have you done something like this with you best friend?

With_Your_Friendship Pictures, Images and Photos
or like this?

friendship star Pictures, Images and Photos
this look much more fun!

friendship Pictures, Images and Photos
have you?

friendship Pictures, Images and Photos
fun right? yeah. i want to do something like that too but, i don't think so. first, i don't really have a best friend that i can ask her to go out with me or do a slumber party together. no. one of my best friend, dayana, she's not nearby. she's in pahang. that's a long long way from the capital of Malaysia. and here, my old friend which is now still friend, has found a new friend. she's right beside me but i miss her. but thank goodness. thank to some of my new buddy, they cheer up my life again. dayana, i can't wait to see you because i miss you!!

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