Friday, January 2

1st January Tragedy and Today .......

yesterday is the first day of 2009. it didn't go so well. so well? it's not well at all. last night, it's all about tears. my heart was hurt again. i don't know why but, a few day before, I'm quite sensitive. yeah, what will you do when you'd been fashion critic or something like that. thank goodness that i didn't just burst it out. after that, i watched Alexandria. it's an Indonesian movie. the movie is quite interesting and this movie is just like Ada Apa Dengan Cinta. it has the sad scene. that's why i cry. it so sad. i can't help myself from crying. hehe. thank goodness that time my sister is sleeping. how to stop your cry from flowing? any answer? talking about yesterday. what about today? nothing special. i woke up late 'again' today. and this evening, i supposed to buy my new white shoes and white clothes. duh. I'd changed my clothes already and i waited, waited, waited. i slept while i waited, waited, waited. and we didn't go out. argh. buat penat jer orang tukar baju. blablabla. it's night already. tonight, there will be new show on 8TV. I'm quite excited though. it's called "I Survived The Japanese Game Show" sound quite interesting right. chow guys. i want to eat and watch the new show.

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