Monday, December 22

It Goes Like, YEAH!!

this evening, i went to my school to take the book list and find out which class would i go next year. I'm so surprised that I'm going 2 Kreatif next year and i was like going to scream WOHOOOO!! YEAH!! when i look at my new classmate, it make me want to do more screaming. YEAH!! Hooray!! Hooray!! i got to go to the same class with Syafiqah, Jai, Fina, Alya, Nava and others. It's time to kick some butt. i mean that i have to try harder because i can see my new competitors. it must be fun because the number of student in this class is less than 35. that my fave. guys, i can't wait to go to school. 2009, please don't be like 2008. that was such the roughest year. but also the most fun but still not number one lah.. 2 Kreatif here i come. OH NO!! i just remember one think that i seriously would like to avoid!! 2009's Form 1s or should i say the new comers. it's not cool man. NOT COOL!! never mind. like i said. it's time to kick some butt. but not theirs. i didn't mean ANY HARM!! so, that's all it think. I'm still waiting for my guest. my late night guest. yeah. it's late already? phew, time's sure never wait. night night guys. see ya' next time.

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